
The Community Learning Exchange fund offers small pots of funding to support local community groups connect and share peer learning across Scotland.

Please read our guidance below before applying.

This guidance will help you understand how to prepare and apply to the Community Learning Exchange fund.   We recommend you reading this Guidance in tandem with the FAQs to gain an overview of the application process and requirements of the fund.

Step 1: You have a great idea for an exchange – decide whether this will be virtual or in person

The programme funds up to £200 to cover the time it takes to plan and deliver your online exchange. When completing the application form, virtual costs should be added as the host fee.

In person
The programme funds individual and group visits up to £1000 per exchange, inclusive of a fee for the host organisation you’d like to visit.

Step 2: Gather all your exchange information

  • Set a date
  • Confirm your host organisation
  • Identify who’ll be visiting with you
  • Consider what benefits this visit will bring to you and your community
  • Identify three Learning Outcomes that you expect to gain from the visit

(all of these will be asked for in the application!)

Step 3: Break down your costs

  • Provide an approximate breakdown of your travel costs – for trains, bus or ferry
  • Ensure you are taking into account VAT, where applicable
  • If you have to use a car or hire a minibus, you should calculate mileage at 45p per mile
  • We offer up to £100 per person, per night to cover accommodation if you have far to travel
  • You can also apply for up to £25 per person, per day for subsistence – the fund does not cover alcohol
  • Remember to add in a host fee of up to £300 per exchange to allow preparation for your visit

Step 4: Identify which SCA network contact will endorse your application

  • A list of the national SCA member networks can be found on our Member page
  • You will also find a drop down list of networks in the online application form
  • We cannot release your funding without an SCA member network endorsement

Step 5: Know the terms and conditions of the fund

  • Allow at least three weeks from submission of your application to your exchange date for processing
  • Funds must be allocated only to the detail provided in the approved application
  • Funds will only be released on the receipt of signed Acceptance of Grant forms from both you and your endorsing network
  • Only progress with your exchange if you have received approval and confirmation of funds.  Funding cannot be retrospectively guaranteed
  • If your exchange is unable to take place for any reason, contact us to discuss returning the funds or the ability to utilise the fund for a rescheduled date
  • A rescheduled date needs to take place within three months of receiving the funds, otherwise returning the funds is required and a further application submitted at a later date
  • Receipts, Expenses and Feedback is required within two weeks of the completed exchange (photos/videos with permissions are welcome too!).  Forms will be available for you to complete and submit
  • Underspends of over £10 must be returned to the Community Learning Exchange

Failure to adhere to the exchange conditions may affect your eligibility to apply in the future.

Step 6: Apply!

  • Please allow at least three weeks’ notice from the application date to the exchange date, for processing. We cannot guarantee retrospective funding for exchanges
  • Once you have submitted your application form, you and the contact you have chosen to endorse your application will receive a copy
  • Successful applicants, and endorser networks, will be sent an Acceptance of Grant Form to be signed – this should be completed and returned to allow the release the funds

Remember, the exchange is unable to fund:

  • Delegate fees for conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings etc.
  • Hosting of events/meetings etc
  • Delivery of, or attendance, at training courses
  • Travel to/attendance at events
  • Day Trips
  • Staff outside of community groups i.e public sector workers, private stakeholders etc.

To help inspire your learning journey our bank of case studies provide examples of how the learning exchange has been used across Scotland.

During your Learning Exchange

After your Learning Exchange

  • Within two weeks of your learning exchange all that’s left to do is to submit your receipts, expense form, evaluation form and photos/videos.  This allows us to continue to share your learning and inspire others!